AZ Charitable Tax Credit

Donate to AMWA with no out-of-pocket cost to you due to the Qualifying Charity Organization (QCO) status of AMWA.

When you file your state taxes, your contribution to AMWA (individual up to $400, married up to $800) will be credited by the state of Arizona in your tax return.

You will be paying $0 out of your own pocket!

Sponsor Literacy for a Refugee

Help create a path to self-reliance. Your donations will go directly to:

Providing more teachers who speak the native language of the refugee.

Getting more women teachers to teach women refugees.

Providing more virtual classes.

Eid al-Fitr 2023 gift drive

Bring smiles to many new and recently arrived refugees!

Adopt a Family 2023

You will have the opportunity to visit a refugee family before or during Ramadan with halal meat, toiletries, and other household items worth up to $150.

We hope you will continue the friendship beyond Ramadan!